What is Weld Mount?
In short, Weld Mount is an adhesively bonded fastening system. The system is comprised of adhesives and fittings. You can glue Weld Mount’s unique fittings onto most surfaces, resulting in a bond that is stronger than either the fitting or, in some cases, the substrate itself. All this can be accomplished without drilling a hole for a traditional “nut & bolt”, drilling / tapping hole or welding on a fitting. Simply glue on a fitting and once the adhesive is cured, you're "good to go".
Weld Mount has adhesives that will bond fittings to most substrates including metals, plastic, carbon fiber, fiberglass, polypropylene, wood, King Starboard ™, laminates, HDPE and many more. We'll detail the benefits of each adhesive separately, over the coming weeks.
Weld Mount Systems adhesives are engineered for specific uses and come in a couple of different iterations. When we talk to customers, it can sometimes get a little confusing on which to use where and when. And in the process of Weld Mount developing and releasing new adhesives some products have been phased out. Here is the current line-up of adhesives:
- AT-8040 – No Slide Multi-Bonder
- AT-6030 – Metal Bonder
- AT-2010 – Acrylic Adhesive
- AT-880 – Polypropylene Bonder
All of the adhesives listed above are available in 50mL, 2-Part cartridges. Some are also available in smaller versions. Check out the product pages for more details.
Adhesive |
Ratio |
Gun |
Tip |
Open Time |
Initial Cure |
Working Strength |
1:1 |
7 min |
12 min |
30-45 min |
10:1 |
5-6 min |
10-12 min |
45 min |
1:1 |
3-4 min |
20 min |
35 min |
10:1 |
3 min |
N/A |
24 hr |
For more details on each adhesive, offered by the 12 Volt Warehouse, from Weld Mount Systems, click the image above. We will be doing some follow-up posts, shooting video and getting more information out about the specifics of the adhesives, so Stay Tuned!
Over the years Weld Mount Systems has added an array of unique hardware that can be bonded to surfaces. The fittings allow for securing a wide array of items. We are hearing about custom applications all the time. You can mount items with nuts, bolts, machine screws, wire ties, hose clamps and just about any other fastening method you can dream up. Weld Mount Systems fittings include:
Threaded Studs are essentially machine screws or bolts with a large flat “head” that can be bonded to the substrate. They are available in various sizes from #8-32 up to 3/8”-16. The size of the “head” grows with the size of the thread to increase the surface area for the adhesive bond.
Threaded Stand-Offs are essentially the female version of a threaded stud. They are a traditional stand-off, but with a large “head” that can be bonded to a surface. These would allow for the use of a machine screw to mount your hardware.
Floating Nut Plates do require a hole to be drilled but are unique in that they both provide threads with which to install a screw and allow some flexibility in the installation and location of the hole. If you’ve ever installed a part with multiple screw holes, you’ll know the pain of getting all the holes in the exact right place for everything to line up. The floating nut plates add flexibility, so your holes don’t have to be perfect, for a perfect fit. These fasteners give the holding power of a machine screw and nut, when getting a wrench to the nut location is not possible.
Wire Tie Mounts come in a host of sizes and materials. If you’ve ever tried the wire tie mounts with double sided tape, you probably know the pain of seeing them pop off the surface. The combination of Weld Mount’s adhesive and their wire tie mounts greatly increases the holding power of the system and provides solutions to mount wire runs, hose, etc.
Footman’s Loops are really just very large versions of the wire tie mounts. The theory is the same, but they are designed to accept webbing straps, up to 1.3” wide.
Cable and Hose Clamps are U-Shaped mounts designed to be installed on a threaded stud. They come in single and double versions for wire and hose from ¼” to 1” outside diameter. These provide a great solution when you need a bit more holding power versus a wire tie mount.
With the selections made for your application of the Weld Mount System, you might wonder what's next? We're working on a new quick how-to which we hope to publish in the next day or so. Stay Tuned!!! And sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Facebook or Instagram for all the latest information from the 12 Volt Warehouse.